Wednesday, July 20, 2011


If you are outraged with the current economic and political situation, if you feel "indignado", come to the first info night in Amsterdam regarding the 15M movement. Join us in sharing information on the current situation in Spain, Greece, and other countries, and on the developments of the protest movements there.

De Pepper OT301. Overtoom 301, Amsterdam

23rd JULY (Saturday) from 18'00 onwards

- Good food from 18'00 to 21'00
- Documentaries and videos
- Informative talk about Greece
- Photo-exhibition
- Debates
- Information desk
- Information available about the current working groups in the Netherlands supporting the World Revolution, get involved!
- Live video connection with Madrid where a demonstration will take place to celebrate the arrival of the protests marches from the other cities
- Live music with Tentempiés and other bands
- A lot of love and illusion
- A lot of people
- And the most important thing.......YOU

Together we can change the world!

1 comment:

  1. i am very happy with this initiative! But i do want you to define TRUE DEMOCRACY.

    Because for me democracy in the present-day-world is a cover-up for a ruler-structure.
    But even if democracy is totally transparant and works with real responsability it still is the will (by force) of a majority over any minority.
    So if you speak about true democracy what do you mean by this?!
