Saturday, October 20, 2012

15-M Zuid-Holland Assembly summary report. 18th October 2012.

During the assembly, the following proposals were debated:

- To prepare an action to support from the Netherlands the general strike in Portugal, Greece and Spain the 14th of November. For the first time, a general strike will be coordinated among different countries. A first proposal could be to celebrate a demonstration in Dam Square in Amsterdam. The coordination with Greek and Portuguese activist groups would be a first priority.

- The following strategy for Zuid-Holland has been proposed:
- To try to connect by now with the Spanish community living here. They will be probably more interested in our activities than other groups. Nevertheless, we will keep the assembly completely open, with all the information and resolutions in English, so everybody feels free to participate.
- To propose the Amsterdam Assembly to design a common banner for the 15-M in Holland, so we can use it in different places to inform about our existence and our activities (Hogar español, faculties, music schools...). A small text and the way to connect via Facebook and e-mail, would be included.
- To prepare an informative event about what has been the 15-M process in the Netherlands, showing the achievements, actions developed (demonstrations, infomative actions, connections with other groups, videos and material, etc). How the existing situation is and what the short and long therm objectives are. We will look for places to host the event.

- To get information about what are the exact Spanish Ambassador obligations when he is officially asked about an specific issue.

- To investigate what are the strike rights in the Netherlands in case we would need to use them in a future.

Resumen de la Asamblea 15-M Zuid-Holland del 18 de octubre de 2012.

Durante la asamblea se debatieron las siguientes propuestas:

- Queremos organizar una acción de apoyo internacional en Holanda a la huelga general convocada en España para el 14 de Noviembre. Por primera vez una huelga general estará coordinada con otros países, de momento Portugal y Grecia. Una propuesta sería una manifestación en DAM Square en Amsterdam. La coordinación con los grupos de activistas Griegos y Portugueses sería una primera prioridad.

- Se propone una estrategia organizativa para Zuid Hollad.
- Centrarnos de momento en la comunidad española residente aquí. De todas formas la información se traducirá al inglés.
- Proponer a la Asamblea de Amsterdam diseñar un poster conjunto sobre el 15-M Holanda para usarlo en lugares que permita informar sobre nuestra existencia y actividades (Hogar español, universidades, conservatorios...). Se incluirá un pequeño texto y la forma de conectar vía Facebook y email.
- Hacer un evento informativo sobre cuál ha sido el proceso del 15-M en Holanda desde hace año y medio, mostrando las acciones realizadas (Manifestaciones, acciones informativas, conexiones con otros movimientos, videos y material, etc), cual es la situación actual y los objetivos a corto y largo plazo. En ese sentido informarnos sobre espacios donde realizarlo, Javier en Rotterdam y Sol en La Haya.

- Obtener información sobre cuáles son las obligaciones exactas del embajador de España en La Haya cuando se le pregunte oficialmente su posición sobre un tema concreto. (Sol se encarga)

- Existe interés en conocer los derechos de huelga en Holanda por si fuera necesario ejercerlos en un futuro (Javier se encarga).

Thursday, October 11, 2012


13/10/2012, 14:00, BEURSPLEIN, AMSTERDAM

Get ready for #GlobalNoise!

Global day of potbanging protest on October 13
A year ago, the world was surprised by the rapid spread of square occupations calling for #GlobalChange. This Saturday we will take the streets again, louder than ever, with a global cacerolazo, casserole, potbanging protest.
The initiative comes from the international networks of Occupy, Indignados, #YoSoy132, and now many grassroots groups and individuals joined: in hundreds of cities around the globe protests are planned.

Many voices, one struggle
The focus of the protest is intentionally left open to be filled by local organizers and participants. The result is a turbulent cacophony of issues and slogans: “Don’t owe, won’t pay” in Spain, “Fuck the Troika” in Portugal, a clear message against war from Istanbul, a protest in front of the annual IMF/Worldbank meeting in Tokyo...
One common theme running through all the #GlobalNoise events is the targeting of political and financial elites who are held responsible for destroying our communities and the planet, resonating the ongoing wave of anti-austerity protests in Europe and around the world. At the same time #GlobalNoise is a symbol of hope and unity, building on a wide variety of struggles for global justice and solidarity, assuring that together we will create another world.

-14:00; Opening speech by Ronald Jan Hein, several speakers, music and celebration.
-16:00; Worldwide global noise / (maybe) Mars around town
-18:30; People's Assembly
-20:30 Film about Occupy Amsterdam from Sara Blom: 'Share Square'.
-22:00 Closing

15M Holland

Spanish Citizens, 15M/Indignados assemblies and various social networks and organizations around the country and abroad are building the Citizen Debt Audit Platform to demonstrate the illegitimacy of debt.
In the Spanish state, as in other countries in the European periphery, we are witnessing a Debt Crisis used to justify austerity policies which are destroying social and labour rights won with the effort and struggle of past generations. With impunity, basic public services such as education, health and social services are being reduced and privatized. People are helplessly watching how retirement age is delayed, living conditions are made precarious, pensions freeze and labour rights dissapear.
The Spanishs economy's debt is huge, above 400% of GDP, but, who subscribed and benefit from this debt? Is it true that we all have lived beyond our means, as we hear repeated over and over again? Or on the contrary, has this debt benefited a powerful minority that continues profiting from austerity? Are we paying a debt that we have not generated, a debt that is subscribed against people's general interest? Or is the mechanism designed to generate illegitimate debt in itself? Why have the States to cover the losses of private companies, such as banks, to protect the private creditors over the citizens?
From the 15M Holland, we understand that there is more than enough evidence of illegitimacy in the debt that the Spanish Government, together with the EU and regional governments, is using as the reason to pull ahead with bleeding austerity policies. This is why we demand the right to know about the details of the process that led us to this situation. This initiative has, among its objectives, the need to recover democratic and sovereign power to decide what to do with the debt and with our future. Without any interference from financial markets, the European Commission, the ECB or the IMF.
The audit will have a wide view; not just limited economic and financial issues; it will also include the role of the Spanish State as creditor of debt with countries in the Global South as well as considering ecological, gender, social, cultural, political and historical debt issues.
Still defining objectives and strategies, networking, developing tools collecting data, the Platform is holding training activities and meetings, giving lectures in neighbourhoods, towns, communities, schools and groups of interested people; making materials available for citizen information and opening participation channels.
Social mobilization is considered essential for the campaign's development. The platform has participated in various demonstrations against social cuts, the labour reform, general strikes, etc. As well as actions in support of the Greek people.
There have also been international coordination efforts, celebrating the first Euro-Mediterranean meeting in April, where the “International Citizen Audit Network” has born. Activists and organizations from twelve countries in Europe and North Africa participated and are also in the process of developing or planning debt audit campaigns in their own countries. (Article on international coordination:
The 15M Holland Platform will participate in 13O mobilizations denouncing the economic and financial policies that caused the crisis as well as the illegitimacy of the debt and the austerity policies imposed to us. We will use the social spaces created to celebrate the first anniversary of Global Noise to appeal to our people, regardless of their knowledge or experience, to participate in this process of collective learning and empowerment.
Not one single euro more to rescue banks. Citizen's debt audit.
We will not pay an illegitimate debt created by those who caused the crisis.

Beyond October 13
#GlobalNoise is a moment to establish new connections, strengthen our networks and communicate our plans for the future. The coming weeks and months a large number of events are scheduled, including the Global Education Strike on October 18, movement gatherings in Madrid (Agora99) and Florence (Firenze10+10) in november, the global day of action for the Rights of Migrants, Refugees and Displaced people on December 18.
And then there is an initiative from Montreal, Quebec, called VIA22 which is a global day of action planned for October 22 and continuing to occur on the 22nd of every month. The idea of VIA22 is to take potbanging to the next level by expressing the need that our marches and demonstrations become spaces for sharing knowledge about alternatives.

Links for #GlobalNoise
Interact: facebook
Tools: map | images | posters | videos
Manifestos from Paris and Barcelona and Tokyo
Livestream on October 12: and