Secretary: Sara
14 people were present.
The points discussed were the following:
1. Define the coordination between the local and international groups:
We decided to change the name of the group for “Zuid-Holland/South Holland” as there are not only people from Den Haag attending the assemblies, but also people from Delft, Leiden and Rotterdam. This can allow people to join more easily the group.
2. Media used for diffusion:
We decided that N-1 seemed to be the more appropriate tool to use. We decided to slowly leave the mailing-list used for communication and all register to N-1. A delay of 1-2 months is given to the group members to pass to N-1. (From now on the summaries of the assemblies will only be published on N-1 and the blog). A course about how N-1 works will be given by Paco from Amsterdam, but he is in Holland until the 25th of August. We still have to define the date and place of this course!!!
We agreed that N-1 will allow us to have our internal discussions.
We also had the idea of asking the administrators of N-1 if it would be possible to create one big group of Holland inside N-1 and have as subgroups the groups of Amsterdam, Zuid-Holland, Utrecht... . This would allow to be very organised, save time and diffuse better. We are waiting an answer for this possibility.
We decided to keep Facebook and use it for minimal discussions and for the announcement of big events:
We also decided to keep the blog and use it for the annoucement of big events and general information. In N-1 a subgroup will be created to discuss about what to put in the blog. Concerning the blog we have been told that there is only one boy managing it. He would need the assistance of one or two volunteers to help him out! If someone feels like doing it. Welcome!
If you want to join N-1. Click on this link after registering you can search for the group called “Assembly South Holland” or go directly to If you cannot find it search for Oscar Pretix (who is at the moment the administrator of the group) maybe it will be easier. Peolple can join the group freely. If ever you do so, please put a picture of any kind and try to fill in your profile and habilities (this could allow a better organisation). The idea is just to see how N-1 works and practise. If it doesn't work correctly you can ask a question on “bug”, which is on the bottom of the page of N-1.
3. Plans for the future:
A short guest Caroline from Freiburg talked about how the movement 15M was working in Germany.
We decided to start doing some actions. This could take place in September as many people come back from holidays. The aim is to diffuse the movement to local Dutch people and make them understand that we are in the same struggle.
We thought of joining local movements like the dancers, architects or Tolhuistuin one's. We also had the idea to protest in front of the international law court and embassies. We decided to open a subgroup for this purpese on N-1.
We also talked about helping to organize the march to Brussels or simply join a group of walkers. One's proposed to make an info-night in one of the cities of Zuid-Holland on the first week-end of September to spread more information about the global movement of October the 15th. We decided to open a subgroup for this purpose on N-1 (
4. Remarks about the info-night of the 23rd of July
We all agreed that it was a very good idea to organise this info-night. It allowed us to get to know each other better and in general we had a good time. The few remarks we could make are about technical matters. When watching the documentaries, the sound wasn't very good which made new people wanting to join the movement, difficult to understand what the movement was really about. Before projecting the documentaries someone could have presented them and after the showing a short time could have been given to people to express their opinions.
It was also a pity that the short videos that were planned to be shown, finally weren't. It would have been nice to show the short video about the 15M movement in Portugal and make people understand that the movement is spreading.
We decided that our next meeting will be held in Den Haag on the 3rd of August at 18.30