Thursday, June 30, 2011


Secretary: Sol

Herewith are the topics we discussed:

1. Party in Amsterdam.

There is a proposal from the Assembly in Amsterdam for organizing a party/event in Amsterdam. There is a commission working on that. The discussion is ongoing within the Google group. A place is needed, also the date and the activities that will be done need to be decided. We agreed that we want to support the event although more information is required, for instance if money is collected with the event, we would like to know what the use of the money would be.

We would like to propose to the organizers to create an information point about the Spanish revolution in general or about a more concrete topic. We also though about the possibility of inviting Dutch artists (which are now very active) to the party, they could present a paper proposal for the Dutch government regarding the government cuts; and we would have an assembly in order to agree about the final document. It would work as an example for them of how an assembly works.

2. Rol of the movement.

We discussed about the two characteristics of the Spanish Revolution in The Netherlands. In one side we want to support the actions in Spain and on the other side we want to expand the movement internationally, for which other kind of activities are required. We would like to coordinate more actions with the Dutch social movements, which so far has been a bit complicated. Also access to more information about the actions in Spain would help to support them.

3. Communication.

This is a very important point. Also related with the connection with the Spanish movement. Currently there are many different ways of communication ongoing, Facebook, google groups and Dutchrevolution.blogspot are working quite well in the dutch revolution but other systems, more secure and better for internal communication are being developed. Within the Den Haag Assembly we were using the free Social Network “Agora” developed by the assembly from Terrasa (Catalonia, Spain). We also know that a Bigger Free Social Network called N-1 is being developed. In theory all the assemblies across Europe are using it.  We agree to use all of them up until we realize which one works better for our needs.

4. Actions.

There are different actions taking place in the Netherlands. The same day of the assembly 26 of June, a big March from Rotterdam to Den Haag took place for protesting against the social and cultural expenditures cuts. There was a demonstration in Den Haag Monday 27th. More actions from the cultural and artists groups might be organized. Also the public transport workers are actively organizing strikes against the privatization of the public services.

The days from 2 to 5 of July Squatters groups among the country are going to resist the enforcement of the anti-squat law in the Netherlands. We agreed that the fight of the squatters is fair because it is a direct action against the housing speculation and the right to have a house. Nevertheless any support to them must have the condition that no violence of any kind would be used. The pacifism of our movement is its best weapon.

Finally, due to the huge demonstrations in Greece these days against the privatization of the public services and the social cuts forced by the EU, IMF and World Bank, the Greek movements in Greece asked for any support from abroad, actions, manifestations, etc. The 29th the Greeks will surround the Parlament peacefully to avoid the approval of the cuts.

We did not agree any direct support or action for these issues, but each of us is free to support it or propose anything in this regard.

5. Comissions and Structure.

Within the Den Haag Assembly there is not any clear division of tasks yet due to the still small number of persons involved. (There were also members from Rotterdam and Leiden in the Assembly that do not have their own assembly yet) We though that by know would be better to organize ourselves within the commission going on in Amsterdam, which might work as national. In case of necessity we can create our own. By now we decided that what we need for sure is somebody responsible of the Assembly Summary that would be also responsible to upload the information to Dutchrevolution.blogspot. For this time Sol will be the responsible.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Solidarity demo for Greece.TODAY 19.00 Leidse square

NL below

Statement by the People's Assembly of Syntagma Square on today's events: Their destiny is frustration, ours is victory!


Their destiny is frustration, ours is victory!

Thousands of protesters have responded and participated to the call of syndicates and the "indignados" movement of the squares, for a 48 hour general strike in order to succeed in the "cancellation" of the mid term agreement on the street.

With the air that distinguishes those who have the right on their side and with only defensive shield our bodies and determination, we have gathered in front of the bastion of shame (the Parliament) at Syntagma square. Our voices were united with the voices of the many and decided indignados from Kalamata and all Peloponnese, Corfu and Hania.. United with those from Thessaloniki and all northern Greece, with all these, and they are many, who do not withstand the ending of their lives succumbing to the false dilemmas of the government, the Troika and the bankers.

The police's attitude, in their role as the repressive branch of the memorandum and the mid term agreement politics – although totally expected- is totally outrageous: blistering shooting of teargas (even at the location of the first aid station of the square), protesters injuries (over 270), encirclement and threat of evacuation of our premises, gymnastic demonstrations of chemical and military fist.

In vain…

The people, all of us, bypassing and overcoming the repressive fallout and the political environmental destruction we have taken matters into our own hands!

It was about time! Playing football, dancing, playing music, creating human chains in the center of the square we took back our square forcing the police to retreat! Despite the drain of chemicals, the crowd of demonstrators insists: We will not leave unless they leave!

And a reminder!

Those who choke us with teargas, they will drown in our indignation! We continue our 48 hours on the road!

• Everyone at the concert at 19.30.

• The Memorandi fall!

• It is either US or THEM

And since the right is on our side to this particular dilemma the answer is: US!

Till the victory!

Peoples assembly of Syntagma square

Solidariteitsactie Griekenland vandaag 19:00 Leidseplein
[GIO] Griekenland is Overal - 29.06.2011 08:05

Solidariteitsactie actie voor de strijd in Griekenland. Vandaag 19:00 Leidseplein.

Een maand geleden.
Geleid door ons instinct, onvoorbereid en zonder elkaar te kennen kwamen we een maand geleden op de Dam bijeen, samen met Spanjaarden, Nederlanders en andere nationaliteiten om te demonstreren tegen het huidige politieke en economisch systeem.
Dankzij deze diversiteit aan nationaliteiten realiseerden wij ons dat we te maken hebben met een globaal fenomeen, dat niet binnen de nauwe grenzen van één land past. In de voorbije periode zijn mensen die elkaar niet kenden dichter bij elkaar gekomen. Ze maakten elkaar deelgenoot van hun visies, verschilden met elkaar van mening, waren het eens, sommigen verdwenen en anderen kwamen de gelederen versterken. De dynamiek die we hier, ver van ons vaderland, ontwikkeld hebben is natuurlijk niet te vergelijken met die van Athene of Madrid, maar wij zijn hier en voelen de verantwoordelijkheid om al het mogelijke te doen om behulpzaam te zijn.
Jullie staan in het centrum van de belangstelling van de hele wereld. Jullie handelen tot nu toe geeft de anderen de kracht om door te gaan. In Amsterdam uiten wij als collectief onze solidariteit met jullie gerechtvaardigde strijd. Wij houden vol, wij organiseren ons en leggen contacten met vergelijkbare groepen in andere Europese steden. Wanneer jullie morgen het parlementsgebouw omsingelen zullen wij aan jullie zijde staan. We roepen iedereen op om morgen om 19.30 als teken van steun te verzamelen bij het Leidseplein om zo naar het Grieks Verkeersbureau in Amsterdam te gaan en bijeen te komen.
Het is duidelijk dat alle pleinen van de wereld ons toebehoren. Wij hebben het gelijk aan onze kant.

Wij strijden voor wat vanzelfsprekend is: VRIJHEID – GERECHTIGHEID – WAARDIGHEID!
De strijd die nooit geleverd werd is de enige die verloren wordt!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Revolution Support the Cultur at Roots Festival

We spread 2000 leaflets and we had also fun :)

It's time to take a stand together

We are taking action out of concern for the whole of our society. This government's thoughtless policies affect many. With its empty politics of symbolism it destroys what civilisation needs: beauty, innovation, care, trust, openness and tolerance.

With this government in power we are heading for a society with no room for curiosity, in which everything is expressed in numbers. A society in which identity becomes an oppressive straitjacket, instead of the multicoloured collection of opinions, beliefs and forms of expression that characterise us and make the Netherlands special. This government is aiming for a society in which the right of the strongest prevails, nuance is considered a weakness, money and power outrank beauty and care. In our opinion, this is an uncivilised society.

That's why we demand the government to stop using the economic crisis as a justification for indecent governance, to put aside its contempt for facts, to show statesmanship and take true responsibility for future generations.

We want to live in a country that invests in its future. We want to live in a country that doesn't just harvest, but also sows. Civilisation without future is a future without civilisation.

We call out to everyone who is affected by this cabinet's visionless policy; everyone who believes in a different future, everyone who is envisioning another country, to walk along. We do not walk for ourselves, but for each other. It is time to draw a line together. Stop this government.

June 27. 1 am - 16:30 am. massive protest at the Malieveld.

For those who's spirit is stronger than their body: join in later on!
What can I do?

Spread the word! Forward the action in emails! Invite everyone on Facebook!

The March of Civilization is an initiative led by artists and art lovers.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Awakening 7 interview about worldwide revolution+agenda+squatting resistance days mobilization

ready to listen while still actual
interview about worldwide revolution
+alternative agenda
squatting resistance days mobilization
Here You can download or embed the show:
More about the show here:

Awakening 7 Agenda,"Spanish/Dutch/World Wide" Revolution, etc. Ready to listen,download or embed

ready to listen while still actual
Awakening 7 Agenda"Spanish/Dutch/World Wide" Revolution, Anarchist Manifesto, Respect Voor Dieren against KLM and DIY communal garden.

Here You can download or embed the show:

More about the show here:

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dutch Revolution.Lokaal Nivo

This time in dutch to spread around netherlands speaking friends

Monday, June 20, 2011


Everyone was invited to join this assembly. All people were explained the way of communicating during this and translation was offered by volunteers. These were the points of address:

In previous Assemblies, we came to an agreement to organize a party in which we find space to screen movies, provide information for the public and find a way of connecting to other struggles, groups and peoples.
a) we need a location
There are a few options, just like Schijnheilig and 301. Suggestion is that Adriana is the central coordination. (OK) We do stay open for all
free/cheap suggestions. Anyone wanting to join this party commission, contact Adriana: [ - FaceBook: Adriana v Metropole]
b) funding (money)
We want to have a voluntary collection to pay for this. This also depends on more information of the location. Adrianna coordinates.
c) start now
We need to start now with the organization. No more delays. We can use all help present.
Does anybody have a beamer and laptop?
d) one party commission
Anyone wanting to join this party commission, contact Adriana: [ - FaceBook: Adriana v Metropole]
Adrianna is central coordination.
e) contact the Greeks
We need to contact the Greek people too, to finetune this organization. is their forum.
f) flyers/publicity
At the Oosterpark ROOTS FESTIVAL, we want to be ready with flyers and publicity about this party, so we can invite all.
Ibrahim (central coordination flyers/publicity) coordinates. Contacting Ibrahim could be useful!

Ibrahim suggests move from Dam to Oosterpark on June 26. Adopted.
a) interesting festival - right audience
It is a free and non-politcal multicultural festival, with 100.000 people attending.
We meet at 12:00 noon at the entrance of the hospital.
b) information stand
We want a stand/table/flyers/representatives which explains and talks to the public. We want to talk about the movement, the Europact and the party
the next week up. Ibrahim cares for flyers, a voluntary money collection was done. Ibrahim coordinates information stand. [[note: Ibrahim also contacts
with Adrianna for the party information?]]. The information on is used for the flyer.
c) other flyers/copies welcome/help
Everyone in the possibility to copy or print cheap or for free. Feel free to do so. Thanks.
d) one information commission
Ibrahim coordinates. All welcome.
To example of everywhere in Europe, we want to kick off that night with the first Dutch Acampada (CAMP). Bring your tents. Assemblies to be
expected in which we decide to start camping or not. We will socialize, get to know each other. Everyone welcome.
This website will keep providing up-to-date information.

Everywhere in Europe, we find evidence of violent police.
a) film, take pictures, shoot videos, share all over
For the public opinion and for our own safety, it is wise that we document everything that happens. Videos are solid proof. Videos of actions also kep
the fire burning with our colleagues internationally. Call is to share, copy, and post as much as possible. Keep connecting to all movements in Europe.
Keep each other (all over the world) alive in spirit. Visibility is good.
b) comission Howto: talk to police.
A commission which collects information on how to approach police might be interesting. Dutch-speaking people could perhaps also gain more trust.
Idea is to organize a steward movement that has main goal: 'that no poeple get hurt'. Suggestion to have this action by action organized. (adopted.)
[note: who is focussing on this for June 26?]. Let us form a group. Also perhaps an online groups so we can share all over Europe.

At the European government buildings, there is a protest on 22 JUNE. We want to go with a delegation.
a) protest and great Peoples' Assembly.
Schuman square à Bruxelles | 22 june 18:00
b) acampada/CAMP
The Belgians have a succesful CAMP in Brussels. After the protest in, we want to join the Brussel CAMP and sleep over. We want to exchange and
listen and learn about their experiences. This is useful when we start up the first Dutch CAMP the 26th.
c) transport
Everyone is welcome to join. We are still looking for cheap transportation. All suggestions welcome.
Central coordination: Louise (

Every day is protest meeting at the DAM. 8pm.
On Sunday we have the bigger demonstration.
This Sunday Oosterpark. 12:00. Be welcome.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Revolution in Groningen

What is really going on in the in the EU periphery?

Modern national economies are characterized by the accumulation of public debts and state deficits. These policies have two main pillars: Firstly, the low taxation of large enterprises, while the taxation rates are quite high for the majority of the society. Secondly, the states were borrowing (and still borrow) huge loans in order to support the big companies, the banks, to pay their public obligations (wages, pensions) and to increase the level of their imports. The “financial games” play a major role in this field. This situation was deteriorated by the reoccurrence of the crisis, an intrinsic characteristic of the nowadays dominant socioeconomic system. The ground principles of the system inevitably lead to the appearance of crises in several phases of history. The current crisis started in 2006 in the housing sector of the USA (due to the unfeasible payment of loans), and spread all over the world influencing mainly the developed states. The consequences of the crisis and mainly the consequences of the policies implemented to overcome it were stronger mainly in the developed states of the EU and USA.

While the world was watching the US economy and its financial institutions stumble under the crisis, they knew little about what was coming towards Europe. What the European public did not know was the amount of US mortgages purchased by the European banks. These loans created the current conditions, centering the economies around these debts. The fall of the housing bubble pushed the banks and the insurance companies into bankruptcy, forcing many states in the EU (Hungary, Greece, Ireland) to get loans from the IMF and the EU (and not from the market) to save their financial institutions (banks and insurance companies). In exchange, IMF chiefs control these states’ economic and social policies.

The situation in the periphery of EU is much worse than the core states of the union. Particularly in Spain, the housing bubble has led the economy of the state in relatively bad situation: the percentage of the debt during the crisis increased by 20%, reaching a total of 60% in 2010. At the same time, the situation in Greece is characterized through the years by high levels of illegal tax evasion and legal tax exemption and reductions for the firms: if that was avoided during the 2000-2008 period, the Greek state would have earned 95 billion euros. In addition, the 2004 Olympic Games resulted in an extra deficit of 5 billion euro. This situation was worsened by the crisis: in 2008 the debt was 110% of national GDP whereas in 2010 it reached 142% of national GDP. The Greek state was able to borrow from the market until the spring of 2010, when the interest rate reached almost 8%, while the average interest level is 3-4%. So, the Greek government decided to put the state under the supportive mechanism structured by both IMF and EU resulting in a debt of 110 billion euro. In exchange, the IMF and European Central Bank decide for all the political and economic aspects in Greece.

The governments decided to face the crisis and its consequences by imposing austerity measures and cuts, obligating the workers and the youth to pay for it, despite the fact that they were not responsible for the crisis. Particularly in Spain the measures of the government had as a result the increase of the unemployment rates from 8% (2007) to 20% in 2010, and especially the youth unemployment rates rocketed to 45% in May 2011. In addition to that, they forced short-term contracts, substituting full-time with part-time jobs which influenced also the salaries: the mean wage now in Spain is 25% lower than EU average.

Similarly, the Greek government measures focused on declining the debt through dismissals in public sector, cuts in education, healthcare and social security (wages and pensions) and increasing labor elasticity. What were the results of these policies? The unemployment increased from 8% in 2007 to 16% in March 2011, the minimum wage declined from 700 to 560 euro. However these measures aiming at declining at least the debt totally failed: the debt increased by 9% in one year. So, currently a new packet of measures for another 60 billion euro loan is being discussed, which will privatize the majority of public sector, decline even more the wages and increase the cuts.

But what happens in reality? According to data from the OECD and Eurostat (2011) Southern European annual working hours are longer than the Northern ones (in Greece it is 2119 hours, while in Germany it is 1390). While long working hours in Northern states would imply greater financial benefits, in the South these hours are going towards paying the debt and the financial aid to banks (in Greece, in the last two years 58 billion euro were given to banks). Given this background, we are in front of a new trend in Southern Europe: youth deprived of future in their own countries.

In this context the Dutch media present the southern countries as being in an entirely different situation as the northern countries. Yet the Dutch situation is, for reasons similar to the southern ones, getting more precarious. The austerity measures of the right-wing government are beginning to have an impact on public transportation, which in some places will be suspended by 40%. Moreover, the educational system, through the introduction of higher financial obligations for the students and lower public funding will be less available to the average youngster. The measures prepared for the Health care system, the Social security system and other public sectors are going to have even bigger consequences. A good example of this is the rising of the retirement age from the normal Dutchmen from 65 to 67, while the people responsible for the crisis are again getting big bonuses.

And what is the reaction of the people in front of all these? What are they doing in order to face this situation? Somebody could say that they were sleeping and not reacting until this May. However, the demonstrations of 1st May in all Europe and the movement of May 15 in Spain show something different. People started react, to go to the streets and occupy the squares across all Europe. Spanish “Democracia Real” which began on the 15th of May sparked the “Alithini Dimokratia” movement in Greece ten days later. This period efforts are made to have the “Echte Democracie” in the Netherlands as part of the general rise of a European “Real Democracy”. People are in the streets, react, discuss the situation and decide in a real democratic way for their future. They speak against the situation of “others deciding for their future without them”.

We are expecting you!
Real Democracy – Open Assembly of Groningen

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Take the Dam against Euro Pact ! This Sunday at 18.00


>>>>>>>>>>>>PROPOSALS TO THE DAY<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
We agreed to be dressed in a businessman suit or in a yellow cloth, to give visual impact.

This is a citizens demonstration. Respect the decisions of the Assembly in not bringing ideological, party or union symbols.

Thank you.

>>>>>>>>>>>>ABOUT EURO PACT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

NO TO THE EURO PACT: We are not goods in the hands of politicians and bankers.
The EURO PACT: New attack on democracy ONCE AGAIN.

ONCE AGAIN, the EU leaders endorse a policy misleading the public to the benefit of large financial corporations, instead of defending the citizens.

On 27th June, all European governments, including that of Spain, will sign in Brussels a major socioeconomic daylight robbery of an international scope: the so-called Euro Pact, by which the politicians of the European Union agree to legislate the orders of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB) and the World Bank (WB).

Failure to comply with these orders means, the rating agencies that have led Greece, Ireland and Portugal to the ruins (Moody's, Standard & Poor's, and Fitch) will resume their attacks.

What do they sign when they ratify the Euro Pact?
- The public sector salaries should be consistent with the competitiveness of the private sector, WHICH MEANS: further cuts in the public sector as it must offer the same benefits as the private sector´s derisory wages and increasing working hours. Including a sharp cut in the numbers of public employees.

- Therefore all countries should adjust their laws to the dictates of the banks, WHICH MEANS governments are ONCE AGAIN not legislating for the protection and interests of citizens but in the favour of large banking corporations and the markets.

- The retirement age will be delayed in all the countries in accordance with life expectancy.

- Enhancing competitiveness: linking wages to productivity, just like what has already been done in Spain with the latest labour reform which calls for more flexible redundancy laws, more flexible labour agreements and more flexible contracts, thus endangering the current system of collective negotiation of labour laws.

- To foster cheap lay-offs and Temporary Employment Agencies (TEA). The banks will lower the financial strains to encourage the hiring of workers, and in doing so will demolish the Social Security system and will be introducing the figure of "the perpetual intern and the perpetual precarious worker".

- The freezing of all pensions.

- Reduction of social benefits.

- Reduction of the social protection systems, worsening the Social Security system.

- Reduction of spending on education, resulting in poorer results, which are conditions that favour and promote its ultimate privatisation.

- Increased direct and indirect taxes for citizens, small and medium businesses and penalties for not complying with the payment of these taxes through fines, interest, fees, etc.

- Changes to our constitution and that of the signatory countries with the aim of "adjusting the economy within the parameters of the IMF, ECB and World Bank" resulting in the loss of sovereignty of the people.

ONCE AGAIN, governments do not use political power to legislate and to stop the provokers of the crisis and international banks and large hedge funds, for example, stepping in against financial corporations. Instead, with the signing of the Pact of the Euro scheduled for June 27, will strengthen the large financial corporations and adopt policies that are of interest to banks and large European companies. As if we hadn´t had enough, all governments independently of their political colour, will sign this agreement to commit to large financial corporations and thus, as ever, sacrifice the citizens ONCE AGAIN, enabling the financiers to continue defrauding the world using financial products that are as sophisticated as they are risky and fraudulent, and permitting bank usury.

Using the deception that to deal with the debt crisis that grips Europe, increasing the competitiveness of national economies can only be achieved by reducing labour costs ... ONCE AGAIN.

Still no mention of intervention in tax havens where the great fortunes rest or making laws against tax evasion. Still no talk of taxing financial transactions, regulating rating agencies, etc. Still no mention of measures against unemployment and in favour of social welfare.

Still there is no consideration for a public and independent audit of the public debt in order to enable citizens to know what the debt really is and what part of it actually corresponds to the banks and private equity funds which according to the data we have constitutes most of the PUBLIC DEBT.

ONCE AGAIN, we are served the impoverishment of society on a platter in benefit of expanding the great fortunes and accentuating the social divide.

In this way, the historical record of the profits of large financial corporations are ONCE AGAINenlarged even more, the record high salaries of CEOs and executives will increase even more, and thus we reach record levels of poverty and unemployment.

The difficulty of accessing this information is due to the lack of political transparency and the fear that ALL OF EUROPE will TAKE THE STREET.