When: Sunday, 2nd of October from 14'00 to 17'00.
Where: Social Center “De Valreep”. Polderweg 620, Amsterdam (http://valreep.wordpress.com/)
The last 3 years, no matter where we live, our lives are strongly influenced by the crisis. This crisis broke out in 2008 and transformed itself to a sovereign-debt crisis particularly in the EU-periphery. This crisis was not created by the people. The bankers and the financial institutions with the support of the governments are responsible for it.
Today the people are asked to pay this crisis by European-wide austerity measures. This recipe has been implemented repeatedly in the past by the IMF and always resulted in increasing the inequalities, the unemployment and the poverty among the people.
In this background, in the last 5 months, an alternative movement in the squares of many countries has emerged. This movement was the genuine reaction of the people against the way that the governments have chosen to deal with the crisis. People have started to gather in public spaces and occupy the squares to protest against the policies of the governments. The most optimistic element of this movement was that people stopped being passive and began to discuss about their lives and their problems making efforts to define a better society. This better society can only materialize with the collective struggle of the people. The ‘Take the Square’ movement that was based on the principles of real democracy, contributed at this.
Particularly in the Netherlands, since last May, open assemblies are taking place in several cities. These assemblies, are part of the ‘Take the Square’ movement and have organized actions of various scale with a twofold aim: firstly, the aim is to show their solidarity to the Spanish and Greek people that initiated this movement in Europe but are also the primary victims of austerity measures that are coordinated by the EU. Secondly, the aim is to react against the unjustified budget cuts that are implemented in the Netherlands that is a rich country that has been mildly affected by the crisis.
Since the beginning of the assemblies in the Netherlands, the necessity of coordination and communications among the assemblies in the Netherlands was more than obvious. Following the worldwide or pan-European actions for occupying the squares every Sunday is clearly not enough. A deeper and permanent coordination is necessary in order to increase the political awareness of the movement in the Netherlands and to achieve our goals.
For all these reasons we call for a countrywide assembly of all the local assemblies in the Netherlands on October 2nd in Amsterdam. It will be the first general and countrywide assembly and as such, we think that this is a very important event. The presence of all of us, the ‘everyday’ man and woman who participated in the ‘Take the Square’ movement, is more than necessary! For this reason, we invite everybody to join and participate in the ‘Assembly of Assemblies’.
Safeguarding the rule that the “agenda” of this assembly is open to be completed with topics that every participant may suggest, we propose some initial issues that we would like discuss and decide upon in this assembly:
1. Review and evaluation of local assemblies.
2. Ways of improving the coordination of our struggle mainly at the country level.
3. Organizing the protest in 15th October in Brussels
4. Other future actions and events.
5. Creating a new pan-Dutch countrywide website of all the open assemblies.
We invite you all in Amsterdam, 2nd of October 2011, 14.00, at the newly created social center “De Valreep” for the “Assembly of the Open Assemblies”
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Bike March from Amsterdam to Brussels, 11 – 15 October 2011
Why do we go to Brussels?
October the 15th is supposed to be a day of worldwide protest. From several European countries, people are marching towards Brussels to express their anger and already start organizing themselves during the days before the demonstration. You will find more information about 15O here:
We consider that the actual situation cannot be understood in a national framework. The logics and the working mechanisms behind them are global, so the mobilization efforts should also be global. Therefore, we focus on networking on a transnational level, considering other people and other nation specific concerns. In the European context, our focus is the center of political decision making which is Brussels.
Why by bike?
We are willing to make a symbolic effort for the change we are seeking to achieve. After a period of assemblies and political discussion, it´s time to get more dynamic and sweat it out.
By stopping in several cities on the way, we want to involve civil society and create a bigger awareness about the need of a more inclusive and participative democracy. We won´t use any political symbols.
We want to be as autonomous as possible. Therefore, the only things we will need are a bike, a sleeping bag and the solidarity of other human beings.
We also see a greater need for exactly these human relationships. If we get too much used to virtual social networks and virtual mobilizations, change will also remain virtual. We have to reinforce human contact and construct the solidarity we need in real life.
We will go slowly because we want to get far.
Actions planned:
We will stop in several cities, camp there in public spaces and spread our message.
We will carry with us the political promises made at the beginning of the financial crisis regarding the regulation of the financial market, remember them to the people we meet and demand their fulfillment.
We will create awareness of the influence of the world´s biggest financial lobby group IIF (Institute of International Finance) on European legislation. Therefore, we denounce concrete Members of the European Parliament who have fallen under the influence of this lobby group. As a symbolic gesture, we will load the weight of their political decisions on our back.
To exercise real democracy we will record visually the demands of the people we meet on our way and present them in Brussels.
We want to highlight the human dependence on a system that is not anymore linked to life itself. We have to show the contradiction between abstract elements like the fictitious amounts of money or debts and real human needs, which are ground and water. We join the appeals for thinking of alternatives that enable us to live in harmony with our environment. Therefore, we collect earth and water in the different places we stop and bring them to Brussels. Earth and water will be our manifest.
The route:
Departure: 11.10.; 10:00
Amsterdam - The Hague, 60 km, 4 hours
12.10. The Hague - Breda, 75 km, 6h
13.10. Breda - Antwerp, 50 km, 4h
14.10. Antwerp - Brussels, 45 km, 4h
15.10. Demonstration
Facebook: ORGA TEAM – Mars Nederland-Brussel
15-O, first activity: MARCH TO BRUSSELS...meeting to prepare...
Cycling to Brussels – towards the WorldRevolution We're traveling: from 11 to 15 October
Do you want to burn calories and the unfulfilled promises of our politicians?
Are you fed up with trying to change the world from your couch?
Are you feeling bloated with too many abstract explanations?
Are you short of cash for the bus but still you want to raise your voice?
Get on moving!
Come cycle with us to Brussels without politicals simbols and take part on the big international demonstration on 15th October.
You can come in Bus too. From 14 to 16 of October.
MEETING: 27 of September, Cafe Budapest. Bring the staff to prepare the accions.
Tired of corrupted governments, we've decided to carry the weight of all those political decisions taken in Brussels and give 'em back to them. As a symbolic gesture, to denounce their actions, we will take with us the faces of those EU MPs who have fallen under the influence of the financial lobbies.
On our way through the Netherlands and Belgium we'll gather water, earth and the demands of the citizens of the places we stop at. We'll take it all with us and present it to the Euro Parliament. It's water and earth because we don't want to produce a manifest talking about abstract things like money and public debt. Water and earth are the elements that give us life and all those things they're taking away from us. Once in Brussels we'll symbolically burn the money and present the water and earth to the Parliament.
Join us taking part in this. Let's work together and share your own demands too!
Take the Square-NL
Do you want to burn calories and the unfulfilled promises of our politicians?
Are you fed up with trying to change the world from your couch?
Are you feeling bloated with too many abstract explanations?
Are you short of cash for the bus but still you want to raise your voice?
Get on moving!
Come cycle with us to Brussels without politicals simbols and take part on the big international demonstration on 15th October.
You can come in Bus too. From 14 to 16 of October.
MEETING: 27 of September, Cafe Budapest. Bring the staff to prepare the accions.
Tired of corrupted governments, we've decided to carry the weight of all those political decisions taken in Brussels and give 'em back to them. As a symbolic gesture, to denounce their actions, we will take with us the faces of those EU MPs who have fallen under the influence of the financial lobbies.
On our way through the Netherlands and Belgium we'll gather water, earth and the demands of the citizens of the places we stop at. We'll take it all with us and present it to the Euro Parliament. It's water and earth because we don't want to produce a manifest talking about abstract things like money and public debt. Water and earth are the elements that give us life and all those things they're taking away from us. Once in Brussels we'll symbolically burn the money and present the water and earth to the Parliament.
Join us taking part in this. Let's work together and share your own demands too!
Take the Square-NL
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Manifiesto final del hubmeeting en Barcelona_the 15-O is coming!!!
Declaración de los participantes del 15S Hub Meeting
Nostras, las redes y personas participantes en el encuentro 15SHub Meeting que tuvo lugar en Barcelona entre los días 15 y 18 de septiembre
Rechazamos el concepto de austeridad para explicar la actual situación de crisis y afrontar su solución ya que supone una gestión autoritaria y antidemocrática de la riqueza común.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
15th October is coming...
Hi people, the 15th october is coming, are you ready? Reserve the date!! We will bring more information.
We need a global change!!
Saludos gente, el 15 de octubre llega, estáis preparados? reservad la fecha. Os daremos más información.
Necesitamos un cambio global!!
Friday, September 16, 2011
After the decisive meeting on the 13th of September with the organizers of the Tentenkamp Beursplein, the Take the Square - Zuid Holland Assembly have decided not to participate in the protest camp, even though we fully support the international call of action against the stock markets on the 17th of September.
We believe in the creation of new spaces of discussion in which we all feel represented and free to give our opinion, in the way that is being developed and practiced on the squares all around the world.
The use of ideological and political branding by the organizers of the Tentenkamp Beursplein is in clear conflict with the spirit of this movement.
Take the Square - Zuid Holland Assembly (The Netherlands)
Friday, September 2, 2011
(Carta para mandar al Embajador emb.lahaya@maec.es, al Presidente del Congreso jose.bono@presidente.congreso.es y al Presidente del Gobierno. Se puede cambiar el nombre a la carta y enviarlo desde otras Asambleas)
15-M Asambleas Amsterdam y Zuid Holland 31-08-2011
Excelentisimo Sr. Embajador/ Sr.Presidente del Congreso o Sr. Presidente del Gobierno:
Las Asambleas del 15-M Amsterdam y Zuid Holland expresan su total rechazo al acuerdo alcanzado la última semana por los dos partidos mayoritarios, PSOE y PP, a través del cual pretenden constitucionalizar el techo de deuda pública.
Consideramos que se trata de una medida extremadamente injusta, un ataque sin precedentes a los cimientos del estado de bienestar promovido por un gobierno supuestamente socialdemócrata. El cambio constitucional obedece a políticas económicas neoliberales que pretenden trasladar la carga del colapso del sistema financiero a la ciudadanía, que padecerá recortes en servicios sociales básicos como consecuencia de una crisis de la que no es responsable.
La fijación del techo de la deuda pública es, además, una política económica equivocada, que puede acarrear graves consecuencias para la evolución de la economía española aumentando significativamente el riesgo de recesión. Proponemos que se analicen opciones que difieran de la institucionalización de la austeridad, tales como la creación de un verdadero sistema de regulación económica internacional, la auditoría para la reestructuración de la deuda y la instauración de un sistema fiscal más justo.
Desde una perspectiva política, tanto el cambio constitucional como la ley orgánica propuestos tienen como objetivo eliminar el debate sobre las alternativas al dogma neoliberal. Se trata de un paso más hacia la falta de representatividad del electorado en la toma de decisiones, la constatación de la supeditación de la política a los mercados financieros. La soberanía popular ha vuelto a ser socavada por las entidades financieras y las instituciones supranacionales.
Asimismo, desde las Asambleas del 15-M Amsterdam y Zuid Holland mostramos nuestra más rotunda oposición al procedimiento seguido para acometer la reforma. Se ha llegado al acuerdo despreciando al electorado, ignorando la opinión pública en un parlamento dudosamente legitimado. Las formas utilizadas suponen un síntoma más del déficit democrático que padece el país, contra el que se lleva manifestando la ciudadanía y el Movimiento 15-M desde hace meses. Exigimos, por tanto, que esta medida y otras de similar calado sean sometidas al escrutinio público por medio de un proceso de consulta popular, que, en definitiva, se respete la esencia de la democracia.
15-M Asambleas Amsterdam y Zuid Holland, a 31 de Agosto de 2011
15-M Asambleas Amsterdam y Zuid Holland 31-08-2011
Excelentisimo Sr. Embajador/ Sr.Presidente del Congreso o Sr. Presidente del Gobierno:
Las Asambleas del 15-M Amsterdam y Zuid Holland expresan su total rechazo al acuerdo alcanzado la última semana por los dos partidos mayoritarios, PSOE y PP, a través del cual pretenden constitucionalizar el techo de deuda pública.
Consideramos que se trata de una medida extremadamente injusta, un ataque sin precedentes a los cimientos del estado de bienestar promovido por un gobierno supuestamente socialdemócrata. El cambio constitucional obedece a políticas económicas neoliberales que pretenden trasladar la carga del colapso del sistema financiero a la ciudadanía, que padecerá recortes en servicios sociales básicos como consecuencia de una crisis de la que no es responsable.
La fijación del techo de la deuda pública es, además, una política económica equivocada, que puede acarrear graves consecuencias para la evolución de la economía española aumentando significativamente el riesgo de recesión. Proponemos que se analicen opciones que difieran de la institucionalización de la austeridad, tales como la creación de un verdadero sistema de regulación económica internacional, la auditoría para la reestructuración de la deuda y la instauración de un sistema fiscal más justo.
Desde una perspectiva política, tanto el cambio constitucional como la ley orgánica propuestos tienen como objetivo eliminar el debate sobre las alternativas al dogma neoliberal. Se trata de un paso más hacia la falta de representatividad del electorado en la toma de decisiones, la constatación de la supeditación de la política a los mercados financieros. La soberanía popular ha vuelto a ser socavada por las entidades financieras y las instituciones supranacionales.
Asimismo, desde las Asambleas del 15-M Amsterdam y Zuid Holland mostramos nuestra más rotunda oposición al procedimiento seguido para acometer la reforma. Se ha llegado al acuerdo despreciando al electorado, ignorando la opinión pública en un parlamento dudosamente legitimado. Las formas utilizadas suponen un síntoma más del déficit democrático que padece el país, contra el que se lleva manifestando la ciudadanía y el Movimiento 15-M desde hace meses. Exigimos, por tanto, que esta medida y otras de similar calado sean sometidas al escrutinio público por medio de un proceso de consulta popular, que, en definitiva, se respete la esencia de la democracia.
15-M Asambleas Amsterdam y Zuid Holland, a 31 de Agosto de 2011
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