Saturday, October 20, 2012
15-M Zuid-Holland Assembly summary report. 18th October 2012.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Global day of potbanging protest on October 13
And then there is an initiative from Montreal, Quebec, called VIA22 which is a global day of action planned for October 22 and continuing to occur on the 22nd of every month. The idea of VIA22 is to take potbanging to the next level by expressing the need that our marches and demonstrations become spaces for sharing knowledge about alternatives.
Tools: map | images | posters | videos
Manifestos from Paris and Barcelona and Tokyo
Livestream on October 12: and
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Este sábado se hace de nuevo un llamamiento para rodear el Congreso en Madrid con la intención de que sea más masivo aún que el pasado 25s.
Es necesario seguir denunciado que el Gobierno de Mariano Rajoy no merece gobernar este país y por ello se ha decidido convocar nuevas concentraciones, para demostrar, asimismo, que la estrategia de producción de miedo y de criminalización emprendida no va dar resultado.
Desde Amsterdam nos sumanos a esta iniciativa organizando también, para el sábado 29, una acción d
El objetivo de estas protesas es conseguir que el Gobierno dimita e iniciar en España un proceso Constituyente. La presion internacional en este momento es fundamental. Vamos a demostrarles que tenemos capacidad de reactivarnos en cualquier momento y que no vamos a permitir que nos silencien.
Desde el 15M Holanda animamos también a otras Asambleas o personas de otras ciudades a hacer lo mismo e intentar organizar acciones de apoyo.
This Saturday there is again a call to surround the Congress in Madrid with the intention that this will be even more massive than last 25s.
It is necessary to continue denouncing that the Government of Mariano Rajoy does not deserve to govern this country and therefore it has been decided to convene new concentrations, to demonstrate further that the production strategy of fear and criminalization is not working.
From Amsterdam we join this initiative organizing for Saturday 29, a protest in Dam Square in order to speak out about the abuse of power, violations of human rights and ways to suppress the people that the government is used continuously in Spain. Not to mention the blatant way of doing the opposite of what they promise in their election programs, manipulating and distracting the attention of people with manipulated media and cutting the people wages, health, education, etc.. While they continue with their salaries and privileges intact.
The objetive of these protests is to get the government resign and start a constituent process in Spain. The international pressure is critical at this time. Let's show them that we have capacity of organization at any time and we will not allow that they silence us.
From Holland 15M we also encourage other Assemblies or people from other cities to do the same, trying to organize support actions.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
amsterdam, dinsdag 15 mei 2012 een jaar na de spaanse volksopstand kwam de 15-m beweging byeen op de dam uit solidariteit met de pleinbezettingen van de indignados.. rond half acht 's avonds startte de manifestatie met enkele toespraken in het spaans en engels om over te gaan in een gezamelyke jamsessie waarby actievoerders ritmisch slogans scandeerden op het onafgebroken gedrum van de salsaband.. eerder die dag protesteerde 15-m by het spaans consulaat.. 15 mei 2011 waren honderdduizenden spanjaarden de harde bezuinigingen en hoge werkloosheid beu; de beweging van de verontwaardigden zoals zy zich noemden, bezette in tientallen steden de pleinen naar voorbeeld van de tunesische en egyptische revolutie.. onvrede jegens de werkloosheid, economische crisis, bezuinigingen, hebzucht en het kapitalisme is een jaar later onverminderd, maar een massale bivak op de stadspleinen is er niet meer by: 18 mensen zyn afgelopen zaterdag in madrid gearresteerd toen ze wilde overnachten op het puerta del solplein.. |