What is happening in Spain?

Anti-Abortion Law
With the law presented by the Popular Party government, abortion would only be allowed if two medical or psychiatric reports state that the health of the pregnant woman is at risk. This suppresses all freedom of women to decide about their pregnancy, even in cases of rape or fetal malformation. If the law is passed, Spain would become one of the last European countries in terms of reproductive rights.
According to polls around 80 % of Spaniards oppose this reform (and even 60% of the voters of the Popular Party). With this law, the PP seeks to satisfy the small ultra-Catholic minority that is one of their stalwarts. These are the same people who demonstrated against the legalization of gay marriage. Under the guise of defending "life" and "family", they seek to impose a traditional and conservative morality, inspired by radical Catholicism.

Undemocratic Electoral Law
The Popular Party can impose this reform because it has an absolute majority in parliament (186 MPs out of 350), even though they received only 44% of the vote, with a turnup of 68%. The Spanish electoral law is not proportional and makes it easy for a single party to gain absolute power throughout the term.

Repressive "Citizen Safety" Law
The government takes advantage of this situation to rule disregarding public opinion and without negotiating with other organizations. In addition, their attitude towards social mobilizations has ranged between disdain and criminalization. With the new Public Safety Law, nicknamed "#LeyAnti15m", photographing a policeman while doing his work, participating in an previously unauthorized demonstration, or installing a tent on the street , are crimes that may be fined with up to 600,000 euros. Thus the government is pushing towards an authoritarian and increasingly undemocratic state.

Cuts, inequality and corruption
Only in this way can the government continue to impose its austerity measures, social cuts and the privatization of public services. Their aim is to defend the financial system above all, even if the price is sinking part of the population into poverty. The major parties, PP and PSOE have even amended the Constitution without any popular consultation, so that the payment of the public debt has priority over any other budget item.
In the recent years, Spain has become the most unequal country in the euro zone according to the Gini index, with over nine million people under the poverty line. In 2013 unemployment in Spain reached a record high of 27% , after four years above 20%. For those under 25, unemployment is 57.6 %, also an European record. All this has led to the departure of hundreds of thousands of workers, many of them young, looking for a job and unable to plan a life in our own country.
To all this we can add the innumerable cases of corruption in which the PP leaders are involved, from the summit of the party to the regional presidents. Other cases of corruption have involved the PSOE, the big unions and even the Royal Family, which has received a blatantly preferential treatment from the justice courts.

Spanish people in the Netherlands
We, Spanish immigrants in the Netherlands, are organized in solidarity with the movement in Spain to denounce and combat this enormous social regression, and fight for a real change in the economic and political system, which we think is wrecked.
We are part of the 15-M movement (started on May 15, 2011) and the Maroon Tide (network of assemblies of Spanish emigrants . We believe that international pressure against the Spanish government, and international solidarity with the protest movements in Spain, can be effective to stop reforms such as the Abortion Act .
Finally, we are concerned that the setbacks that are happening in Spain may be the vanguard of what is to come in the rest of Europe if we are not able to stop it in time, as shows the rise of far-right parties in several European countries, including the Netherlands.
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